Mom and Pop together with the Geese that lays Golden Eggs.

This applies to business and how managers should treat people so they perform at their best.
A man and his wife had a farm. They had a flock of geese and made a business bringing the eggs to town each day and selling them. The couple was known locally as "Mom and Pop."
Two of the geese were unusually well-tempered and the couple gave them extra affection and food. One day, the two favored geese surprised the couple by laying golden eggs.
Mom and Pop were so delighted that they praised the two geese lavishly and rewarded them with even more affection and food. All this attention resulted in two more golden eggs the next day.
The couple began to dream of riches. What if they could get all the geese to lay golden eggs? So they admonished and cajoled the whole flock to follow the example of the two prized geese.
The next day, no golden eggs were produced. Alarmed, the couple lectured the geese about their duty to perform and warned of reduced rations if they didn't produce the gold.
The following day, fewer eggs were produced than ever, and none of them were made of gold. Worried that their future fortune was in jeopardy, the couple stormed through the flock with a broom, shouting at them and threatening them.
When Mom and Pop went to check for produce the next morning, they saw that all the geese were gone.

Moral: A mistreated goose will not lay a golden egg. Know the true source of your profit, and nourish it rather than exploiting it. 



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