When you decide to get involved in Network Marketing, you may find a lot of people in your life, some won’t believe in this new business model. That alone can be isolating. You’re building a business by yourself. You’re making the calls, doing the follow-up, going to appointments, making your lists—but you’re by yourself a lot. That’s one of the reasons attending your company events and meetings is so important: it keeps you connected with the same business-minded people.
I’ve come to realize that building a Network Marketing business is no different than being an entrepreneur in any other field. You separate yourself from most people in the world, and you become one of the 5 percent. 19 of 20 people aren’t going down the same path you’re going down: 1 out of 20 are. But they’re usually so busy with their own entrepreneurial endeavor that they don’t have the time to interact and frankly, you probably don’t either. Your downline may not have the same entrepreneurial passion you may have; some may still be afraid to step into the greatness that lies within them.
You’re by yourself building your dream. Once I realized this, I embraced the fact that all entrepreneurs go through the same challenge: dealing with challenges that comes along with a search for greatness. And then I stepped into a leadership role. After that, I found friends in Network Marketing, and we were like workout partners. It’s important to find someone else who is driven, just like you are. Find someone who will be your accountability partner.
The second thing I did was to build relationships with other builders, people who had the same passion I did; people I respected. These friendships help you gain strength. You know the strength you feel when you have just experienced an inspirational company event? Thats it! Relationship with others who have the same passion as you do will help.
If you’re building Network Marketing business, you’re an Entrepreneur; you’re uncommon! And that’s the reason why you are different from anyone else...who is making uncommon-extra ordinary results!
We have a Better Way! Trust the Process and System.
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