God, has given me ability to be good in business. I don't take that for granted. He has helped me through tough times when I was working a JOB I hated, and that I couldn't stand, literally. I would be so sick at that JOB. I now have a home base business and its truly making me so happy I can share my testimonial with you, as its much better now.
I tend to really enjoy having a business online, because it gives me more freedom than I can imagine.
The problem is most people don't understand this freedom when they have a JOB. 
There is nothing wrong with having a job but if you don't like your JOB and don't like having a boss, and all the problems with having a JOB, then you may consider having a home based business.
Maybe work your JOB and start a part time home based business before going into it full time. IT depends on your situation and commitment but.
In my 100% authentic honest opinion having a home based business is much much better than a JOB. You get more freedom and its more beneficial on many areas that I describe below.
Why You Need To Start A Home Based Business ?
There are many benefits to making money on with a home based business. Most people want to have success and make want to start a home based business. Yet, why do so many people that say they want to make money on the internet, actually never start ?
I think most people never start a home based business because of these 5 things.
They don’t know how to start.
They have been burned in the past.
They don’t believe it’s possible.
They don’t believe in themselves.
They think its extremely hard and cost lots of money to start.
The truth is that if you believe you can achieve. There are many people that don’t believe in themselves and because they fear either failure or fear success they fail to begin. The idea here is to start and don’t worry so much that everything is perfect, or that you know everything you need to know. You just need to start. As Zig Ziglar once said that, "You don't need to be great to start...You only need to start to be great!"
You learn through mistakes that you make, so its really all about action.
If you ever wanted to start making money on the internet here are some of the benefits.
Ability to spend More time with family.
Save on gas for your car Less stressful environment.
You have the ability to work for yourself, no boss.
Avoid traffic commute to work.
No cap on your earnings and profits.
More local or international travel.
You want to start making money with a home based business for these reasons, maybe you have your own personal reasons. Imagine if you started to make a great income on the internet and at the same time leaving a powerful legacy. Imagine the ability to do both of these, knowing your making a contribution to society.
The idea here is to start. Don’t worry about the how’s or how long it will take, or that you don’t know everything yet. Just get started. You need the first step. You need people with experience and with expertise in this field.
A good place I recommend that provides you with the 4 simple steps towards time and financial freedom. 


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